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Tax ID: 41-0693970

Planned Giving

When you include the University of St. Thomas in your estate plans, you're making a lasting investment in the future.

Yes, you really CAN make a difference

Many alumni and friends of St. Thomas find that they can make a bigger impact on the lives of future Tommies than they ever thought possible. They do this by including a gift in their will 

You don’t have to be wealthy to make a transformational gift. Did you know that you can save for retirement and support St. Thomas? Make a gift that costs you nothing during your lifetime? Use your future gift to set up a scholarship or benefit a particular program? 

Our Office of Planned Giving can help you find smart options that go beyond traditionally giving cash. We will partner with you and your trusted advisors to find solutions that both meet your financial goals and maximize the impact you wish to have at St. Thomas.


Bill Hickey

Associate Director of Planned Giving
headshot of Bill Hickey
Phone Number

Tools to Get Started

University of St. Thomas Tax ID

The University of St. Thomas tax ID is 41-0693970. For your convenience, we have suggested wording for remembering St. Thomas in your will or on a beneficiary designation form.
Learn More

Free Planning Guide

If you’ve been putting off writing or reviewing your will, you’re not alone. Approximately 55% of American adults do not have a will or other estate plan in place. Our free Planning Your Legacy guide makes it easy to get started. 
Request Your Copy

Finn Legacy Society

Have you already included St. Thomas in your estate plans? We invite you to become a member of the Finn Legacy Society so that others may be inspired by your gift. Let us know by completing the enrollment form to your comfort level. 
Get The Form